Comments Policy

Firebrand is a forum for intellectually virtuous discussion in the Wesleyan tradition. We encourage our readers to comment on articles of interest to them. We welcome both agreement and disagreement with our authors. 

In order to maintain intellectually virtuous discussion, we expect all comments on the site to adhere to the following guidelines. Comments should be: 

  1. Relevant: Comments should come to bear directly on the subject matter of the article. We will remove non-sequiturs, including any comments advertising outside products. 

  2. Respectful: You may disagree with an author, but please express your disagreement respectfully. We will remove any comment that is personally insulting to the author or other commenters. We will not tolerate comments we interpret as racist, sexist, or intentionally degrading in other ways. 

  3. Reasonable: Wild conspiracy theories, incoherent rants, or knee-jerk responses are inappropriate for our comments section. Please make sure you have thought through your comment, that it makes sense, and that others will be able clearly to interpret your meaning.

Please limit your comments to 200 words.

All comments are subject to editorial approval. If you have questions you may direct them to