New Opportunities for the Global Methodist Church: Embracing a Revived Wesleyan Vision
Photo by Brown Bag Photography
In a bold shift that is reshaping the landscape of Methodism, the Global Methodist Church (GM Church) is emerging as a new, revived expression of Methodism, breaking away from mainline Protestantism. In these formative years, it may be enticing simply to embrace an upgraded version of Methodism. It would be easy to continue as the conservative branch of big-tent Methodism, free from the burden of internal conflict and struggles. But perhaps God is leading us toward something much greater, and orchestrating something much larger than we can currently comprehend.
It seems that the GM Church finds itself at a unique moment in our formation, much like the one the Wesley brothers faced as Methodism transitioned from a renewal movement for the Church of England to a new denominational expression in America and beyond. That transformation has become truly global. Opportunities are now open for unique and needed contributions to the broader Christian community. Global Methodists are uniquely positioned to introduce a consistent, vibrant, dynamic Wesleyan expression to the world, especially among the more Calvinist and Reformed theologically minded Evangelical culture and the growing landscape of non-denominational churches.
As many are envisioning and dreaming of a new way of being Methodist at this moment in time, several questions arise that invite deeper consideration of how we will grow into this new way of living as Methodists.
Will we live in Scriptural Holiness that is more than behavior modification, clothing restrictions, pious surroundings, prayer meetings, and personal devotion?
Holiness for most expressions of Christianity has devolved into outward behaviors of what one should or should not do, should or should not wear or ingest, or with whom one should or should not associate, all the while remaining in pious surroundings and personal prayer gatherings.
Holiness of heart and life, however, is the work of God’s Spirit to the inner person before it is an outward expression of behaviors. Sanctification is the process of growing in God’s grace and being transformed back into the image of God marred by the Fall. Our early method of disciple-making was centered in small gatherings of classes and bands. What might discipleship look like today in Christian communities around the globe where we make space for the Holy Spirit to do the deep inner work of transformation? The sanctifying work in these Christian community spaces would allow and encourage individuals to wrestle with their faith, confront their brokenness, and experience God’s transformative grace together. Discipleship in this context would focus on allowing the Holy Spirit to reshape the heart and mind, cultivating genuine change from the inside out.
John Wesley described a Methodist in his 1753 Dictionary as "one that lives according to the method laid down in the Bible." Being a Biblical Methodist goes beyond simply maintaining the right beliefs or behaviors. Let us focus on creating a movement where those who identify as Global Methodist Christians are deeply engaged in living out the reality of being saved and sanctified, not merely adhering to a set of doctrines or behaviors. May our gatherings on Sunday equip our people to love God and neighbor Monday through Saturday in such a way that we bring God's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, where we live, learn, work, and play. Let the people called Global Methodists be engaged in Scripture, living out a vibrant ongoing experience of salvation and sanctification, all while empowered and guided by the Holy Spirit in all aspects of life around our world. What might happen if we are to be and make disciples who live in such a way that personal piety and social holiness bring God's healing and understanding to all areas of life, especially race, poverty, and other injustices?
How might a global church educate, equip, train, and credential our pastors around the world?
A desired benefit of denominational education and credentialing standards is that the local church will know that the training and education their pastor received is consistent with their denomination’s respective congregations. This is not always true in denominational, non-denominational, or other evangelical traditions. As the GM Church continues to formalize the theological credentialing standards, we must ensure this happens for us. Let us create a consistent system that is theologically and academically solid while also being practical to equip pastors to lead and teach in their settings.
The challenge lies in designing a credentialing system that is accessible, consistent, and effective across various contexts, yet does not favor US-based clergy or establish a hierarchical clergy caste system. A truly global approach in education and credentialing must respect the cultural, indigenous, economic, and social realities that pastors face in different regions, particularly in rural areas, while maintaining consistent standards and processes. How can we provide education and training that recognize the unique challenges of rural and urban pastors in the US, while also offering similar opportunities for rural and urban pastors around the world?
We can now ensure that all pastors, regardless of location, are theologically educated and equipped in ways that honor their calling, respect their context, and empower them to live in and serve their communities faithfully, effectively, and biblically in a diverse and challenging world. Technology is in place for educational institutions to do this around the globe, if we will.
As denominations break down over human sexuality on all places of the theological spectrum, how will we live out a holistic sexual ethic that acknowledges sexual brokenness, while at the same time offering the healing and transformative power of the Holy Spirit to restore the image of God in all?
Church scandals, fallen pastors, and identity theologies continue to keep sexual brokenness at the forefront of news outlets, causing immense harm to the church, its members, and those outside of it. How can the GM Church, as it moves away from a mainline expression that has often embraced worldly patterns, live out a fuller biblical sexual ethic that offers hope and healing rather than division and harm? What might we offer the broader Christian community?
Evangelicalism has faced significant brokenness on the more theological conservative based side of sexual expression, particularly through movements like the Purity Culture of the 1990s. Patriarchy, which has historically positioned men to dominate in culture, business, the church, marriage, and the bedroom, has done damage to both men and women. Let us recognize that any form of patriarchy does not align with the core values of Christianity. The harmful influence of various forms of patriarchy in the church has distorted the biblical image of gender and power by distorting how God's image is reflected in relationships, work, the church, and especially in marriage. In light of these challenges, the church must seek a more redemptive, biblically grounded expression of sexuality that upholds the dignity and equality of both genders, honoring God's original design and image, and inviting all to experience healing and restoration.
Let us offer healing, while also teaching and living out a robust and healthy sexual ethic: one that acknowledges the brokenness and distortions we've experienced in this world and the church, while holding up the gift of the image of God as men and women interact in life, ministry, and marriage. This means we must honor and celebrate the unique ways both genders are to reflect God's image, while also being deeply sensitive to the ways the fall and cultural sin have warped our understanding of gender roles.
A key question we must ask is whether we will break the stained-glass ceilings in all areas of the church that have historically limited the roles and leadership of women, especially among clergy of all ethnicities. In doing so, we can create a global church where all people are empowered to live out their calling, serving and leading in a way that honors both the dignity of men and women and the transformative power of the gospel, and see a fuller image of God in church and society.
Who will be the Wesleyan Methodist voices for today’s church?
As many Christian resources for marriage and living are written from a complementarian and Reformed theological perspective, there is a pressing need for Wesleyan Methodist voices to provide tools grounded in our distinctive theological understanding. We need authors who can teach a Wesleyan Methodist understanding of sexual ethics that help God-honoring married people and singles to live faithfully within their sexuality and gender in their context. We must also offer a biblical egalitarian vision of marriage, mutual submission, and leadership, one that affirms the dignity of both men and women in all areas of life, ministry, and relationships. Too often, pastors and Christian leaders in the church lack resources that reflect this unique perspective, especially in areas like Bible studies and faithful living materials.
There is also a clear need for resources that empower parents to be the primary faith teachers in their homes. The GM Church has an opportunity to help parents grow spiritually, equipping them to raise their children in the faith. By embracing both infant baptism and baby dedications from our history and Christian heritage, we can now engage families from various traditions and provide a unified approach to lifelong discipleship. This approach creates space for parents to nurture their children’s faith while building a supportive, Christ-centered community that models family life and spiritual growth.
With the right resources and a shared commitment to faith formation, the GM Church can equip families to live out their calling, raising children who will one day choose to follow Christ as Savior and Lord. By fostering these kinds of faith communities, we can help parents and children grow together in their relationship with God, creating a movement that transforms lives and families for the Kingdom of God around the world.
Who will provide resources for the next generations? Our leaders and churches need youth groups and young adult ministries that equip the upcoming generations to grow as biblical disciples who can engage and live out their faith in cultures that are quickly moving away from Judeo-Christian understanding.
Living Into Our Calling
This new alignment with the broader Christian community brings countless possibilities. We are called to bring God’s hope into every context where God is already at work around our world, creating a restorative Christian community of sinners saved by grace, yet growing in the transformative love of God. If our vision is merely to migrate from one version of Methodism to another, we will miss a tremendous Kingdom opportunity. However, if we can fully discern the possibilities ahead and live out our faith in tangible, practical ways, we will witness transformed lives that, in turn, transform the world.
In these formative years, let us cautiously reflect on how we want to be known, how we will teach, and most importantly how we will live out our faith where we do life. As a renewed expression of Methodism, the GM Church has the potential to offer a more balanced, biblical, and global vision and experience of God’s church. How can this new expression of Methodism live into the grand depositum of full sanctification, implanted within the people called Methodists that John and Charles Wesley envisioned and sang about, living faith in daily life?
After our recent experience in Costa Rica at the first convening GM Church General Conference, hope is high for what can happen. With a solid foundation in place, and a movement in the making, the coming years of formation will require intentionality as we set our course. The Global Methodist Church has the potential to be more than just a new denomination. It can be a force for change in our world. If we are faithful to this calling and embedded DNA, we will see the world become our parish in ways we’ve not fully experienced in generations—perhaps, in ways we have never seen at all.
G. Scott Pattison is the Conference Superintendent for the Great Lakes Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church.