I Am No Longer My Own But Thine: Wesley’s Covenant Prayer
Take Thou Authority: Apostolic Succession in the Wesleyan Tradition
Sexual Fluidity and the Wesleyan Doctrine of Entire Sanctification (Part 3): Once Gay, Always Gay?
What is Scriptural Holiness?
This Little Light of Mine: Scriptural Authority and Clergy Qualifications in the GMC [Firebrand Big Read]
Wesleyans and Episcopacy
Resurrecting Wesleyan Evangelism: The Necessity of Field Preaching Today
Rekindling the Wesleyan Fire: The Next Methodism Summit II
Peculiar Prophets: American Methodism as Irregular, Disestablished Anglicanism
A Shared Heritage: Rediscovering Methodist-Baptist Connections
Doctrine, Spirit, and Discipline: A Holistic Vision for Church Renewal
Christian Living, Church Life, John Wesley, Methodism, EvangelicalismMatt ReynoldsMatt Reynolds, Methodism, John Wesley, Renewal, Reviv, doctrine and discipline
The Disaffiliation Process, Labeling and the Mis-Measure of the Church
John Wesley and the Five Miracles of Healing
A Test of Friendship: A Historian’s Reflection on the Recent General Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene
The Third Schism: Reframing the Debate
Methodists Need a Charismatic Upgrade!
Firebrand Rewind: Toward a Wesleyan Understanding of ‘Original Sin’
Going On to Perfection