Nicaea’s Importance, 1700 Years Later
The Mesmeric Megiddo Mosaic: Powerful Lessons from the World’s Oldest Church
Take Thou Authority: Apostolic Succession in the Wesleyan Tradition
Bishops, Generals, and Evangelical Totalitarianism
The Wesleyan Doctrine of Apostolic Succession
Wesleyans and Episcopacy
Gazing into the Mirror of Eternity: Why You Should Read Augustine’s Confessions
Juneteenth: Through the Eyes of an African American Wesleyan Holiness Leader
Resurrecting Wesleyan Evangelism: The Necessity of Field Preaching Today
Is there a Method to Outpouring? Anniversary Reflections on the Asbury Outpouring
“Holy, Holy, Holy”: Holiness, Divine and Human [Firebrand Big Read]
Peculiar Prophets: American Methodism as Irregular, Disestablished Anglicanism
The Genius of Wesleyanism [Firebrand Big Read]
Thoughts on the Future of American Christianity [Firebrand Big Read]
Big Read, Church Life, Editor's Pick, Evangelicalism, History, Pentecostalism, MethodismDale M. CoulterDale Coulter, American Christianity, Church, Future of Christianity, Jesus, Secular, Paganization, Pagan, Pentacostalism, Evangelical, Evangelicalism, Catholic, Holy Spirit
Scripture and Tradition: Revisiting Henri de Lubac as a Resource for Protestants
The Bible and Revelation: Another View
A Test of Friendship: A Historian’s Reflection on the Recent General Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene
The Charism of the Wesleyan Movement