Posts in Christian Ethics
“Buy the Truth and Sell It Not:” Living as People of Truth in a Post-Truth World
She Will Be Saved Through Childbearing: An Argument Against Abortion
Sexual Fluidity and the Wesleyan Doctrine of Entire Sanctification (Part 1): The Evidence
Thoughts on the Moral Life
Juneteenth: Through the Eyes of an African American Wesleyan Holiness Leader
From Conception to Natural Death: Reflections on The Wesleyan Church’s "Special Direction" on Abortion
When Heavyweights Change their Minds: Richard B. Hays and Human Sexuality
The Call to Persevere: Life in the Wake of a Moral Defeat
Christian Ethics, Christian Living, Evangelicalism, Political TheologyDavid F. WatsonDavid F. Watson, Abortion, Trans, Voting, Issue 1, Ohio, Law, Constitution
Hope and Rage: A Rabbi Reflects on the Hamas Incursion
Giving Unto Caesar: Thoughts on Power and the Church in a Day of Politicization [Firebrand Big Read]
The Serpent in the Techno-Garden: Resisting the Temptation to Use AI for Ministry
Choose Kingdom Life!
Sanctifying Silicon & Baptizing Bots: Strong AI and Its Theological Implications [Firebrand Big Read]
Methodism & Christian Nationalism
The Identity Revolution: A Review of Carl Trueman’s The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self
The Center Cannot Hold
Dobbs v. Jackson and the Protestant Mainline
No Rotten Word