Resurrecting Wesleyan Evangelism: The Necessity of Field Preaching Today
Is there a Method to Outpouring? Anniversary Reflections on the Asbury Outpouring
“Sin is Lurking at the Door”: The Root of Bitterness and the Work of Forgiveness
Schizoaffective: Why Killing People Like Me is a Bad Idea
On the Transfiguration
What’s God Got to Do With It? Thoughts on the Global Methodist Church’s Mission Statement
A Mission for a Peculiar Church: On the Global Methodist Church’s Mission Statement
“Do or Die for Christ”: A Glimpse of the Persecuted Church
The Genius of Wesleyanism [Firebrand Big Read]
A Shared Heritage: Rediscovering Methodist-Baptist Connections
Light That Candle! Advent as a Season of Resistance
What I Learned from the Closing of Fifth Avenue United Methodist Church: Bishops Have Way Too Much Power
Making Disciples in Liberian United Methodism through Self-Support [Firebrand Big Read]
Africa Initiative Speaks: Why Regionalization May Not Be an Option for the United Methodist Church in Africa
Why the Future of Methodism Must Be Spirit-Filled [Firebrand Panel Video]
Christian Living, Church Life, Theology, VideosMatt ReynoldsMatt Reynolds, Spirit & Truth, Holy Spirit, Pete Bellini, David F. Watson, Carolyn Moore, Steve Seamands, Maggie Ulmer
Holistic Holiness: A Vision of the World as Our Parish
If You Love Jesus, Join a Church
Doctrine, Spirit, and Discipline: A Holistic Vision for Church Renewal
Christian Living, Church Life, John Wesley, Methodism, EvangelicalismMatt ReynoldsMatt Reynolds, Methodism, John Wesley, Renewal, Reviv, doctrine and discipline