A Future with Hope: Reflections on the Recent GMC Conference for Young Leaders
The Scramble for Africa
Resurrecting Wesleyan Evangelism: The Necessity of Field Preaching Today
Rekindling the Wesleyan Fire: The Next Methodism Summit II
What’s God Got to Do With It? Thoughts on the Global Methodist Church’s Mission Statement
A Mission for a Peculiar Church: On the Global Methodist Church’s Mission Statement
Peculiar Prophets: American Methodism as Irregular, Disestablished Anglicanism
Doctrine, Spirit, and Discipline: A Holistic Vision for Church Renewal
Christian Living, Church Life, John Wesley, Methodism, EvangelicalismMatt ReynoldsMatt Reynolds, Methodism, John Wesley, Renewal, Reviv, doctrine and discipline
Thoughts on the Future of American Christianity [Firebrand Big Read]
Big Read, Church Life, Editor's Pick, Evangelicalism, History, Pentecostalism, MethodismDale M. CoulterDale Coulter, American Christianity, Church, Future of Christianity, Jesus, Secular, Paganization, Pagan, Pentacostalism, Evangelical, Evangelicalism, Catholic, Holy Spirit
A Reflection on Ordination
Everything I Need to Know about Heaven I Learned from Charles Wesley
John Wesley and the Five Miracles of Healing
What the Hex?! Disaffiliation Rhetoric Gone Awry
The Charism of the Wesleyan Movement
Wesley’s Four Spiritual Laws
Firebrand Rewind: Toward a Wesleyan Understanding of ‘Original Sin’
On Separation, Schism, and Seasons
Waiting in Africa: The Impact of the Postponement of General Conference