Avoiding Structural Stupidity in Post-Schism Methodism
The UMC General Conference: What Happened?
The General Rules: A Preliminary Proposal
Why Black Churches Did Not Disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church
A Future with Hope: Reflections on the Recent GMC Conference for Young Leaders
The Scramble for Africa
Resurrecting Wesleyan Evangelism: The Necessity of Field Preaching Today
Rekindling the Wesleyan Fire: The Next Methodism Summit II
What’s God Got to Do With It? Thoughts on the Global Methodist Church’s Mission Statement
A Mission for a Peculiar Church: On the Global Methodist Church’s Mission Statement
Peculiar Prophets: American Methodism as Irregular, Disestablished Anglicanism
Doctrine, Spirit, and Discipline: A Holistic Vision for Church Renewal
Christian Living, Church Life, John Wesley, Methodism, EvangelicalismMatt ReynoldsMatt Reynolds, Methodism, John Wesley, Renewal, Reviv, doctrine and discipline
Thoughts on the Future of American Christianity [Firebrand Big Read]
Big Read, Church Life, Editor's Pick, Evangelicalism, History, Pentecostalism, MethodismDale M. CoulterDale Coulter, American Christianity, Church, Future of Christianity, Jesus, Secular, Paganization, Pagan, Pentacostalism, Evangelical, Evangelicalism, Catholic, Holy Spirit
A Reflection on Ordination
Everything I Need to Know about Heaven I Learned from Charles Wesley
John Wesley and the Five Miracles of Healing
What the Hex?! Disaffiliation Rhetoric Gone Awry
The Charism of the Wesleyan Movement