Sexual Fluidity and the Wesleyan Doctrine of Entire Sanctification (Part 1): The Evidence
A Better Way: John Wesley's Advice for Navigating the Storm of an Election Season
Immigration, Transnationalism, and Globalization: Implications for the Global Methodist Church in America
Lying to Ourselves in the Name of Christ
Be Full of the Spirit So the World Will Know (Acts 6:1-7)
A Move of God in Costa Rica: On the Global Methodist Church’s Convening Conference [Firebrand Big Read]
A Response to “Bishops, Generals, and Evangelical Totalitarianism”
“Trust in the Lord”: An Exclusive and Urgent Call During the Current Political Season
Willimon On Barth, Preaching, And Politics: Some Wisdom, Some Snark
Consecration Before Crossing: The Most Crucial Work at the Launch of the Global Methodist Church
Bishops, Generals, and Evangelical Totalitarianism
To Teach and Preserve the Faith: Bishops and the Global Methodist Church
The Hybrid Episcopacy Model: Maximum Flexibility, Minimal Bureaucracy
This Little Light of Mine: Scriptural Authority and Clergy Qualifications in the GMC [Firebrand Big Read]
The Wesleyan Doctrine of Apostolic Succession
Wesleyans and Episcopacy
Gazing into the Mirror of Eternity: Why You Should Read Augustine’s Confessions
A Guide to the Negative World